Why Join Warra? - What WARRA can do for you
In summary, our objective is to provide advocacy and support to community groups, elected members and other stakeholders (including business entities) of Local Governments
As an umbrella organisation, WARRA endeavours to:
represent member residents, community groups and ratepayers to government and other stakeholders
provide access to Government at a senior level
offer a coordinated response to the Local Government Act review, representing the interest of community and elected members
WARRA seeks to provide:
Independent advice to Elected Members
Advice to community organisations
Sharing of experience between different Local Government communities
Training for prospective or current elected members
With a constituency representing many local governments,
WARRA can review and compare Local Government practices in terms of transparency, accountability, and statutory requirements under relevant legislation
WARA is in a position to:
Offer opportunity for coordinated action by community organisations
Facilitate and promote consultation, participation and co-operation between ratepayers, residents, elected members and government authorities (state and local) and other stakeholders